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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Angels in blue scrubs

While Angelina was in the hospital last week, we had some awesome nurses tending to her. They were so patient and really helped me out quite a bit with her. Whenever Paul or I would push the call button, one of the nurses were in our room within seconds. One of the nurses would always bring Angelina a Popsicle and encourage her to eat it (which she did a couple of times) and one of them even brought her some ice chips when she asked for them. 

They even brought her this car to play with, which she loved. 

 Whenever we were out in the hallway with it she would say "I hope the nurses like my car" or " I just have to show them my car".  She charmed every single one them!!!

So here is to the nurses. Thank you so much for all that you do. You are appreciated!!! You truly are Angels in blue scrubs.


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