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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ramblings on a Saturday

Hello Lovelies!

Happy Saturday night everyone! I hope you have had a fun filled day. We have been spending as much time as we can outside for the last few days. We never know when the cold weather will make an appearance, so we have been trying to soak up as much sun as we can. My day has been packed with normal housework, making homemade pizza and breadsticks for supper and just playing with the Little. 

* I just wanted to share some thoughts with you in today's post. Enjoy!

* The Little's birthday invitations were delivered a few days ago. I'm so excited for her birthday. I cannot believe that she will be 4 in a few weeks. Times goes by so fast!

* I must check on the Little more than a dozen times throughout the night. I check to make sure she is still there, still breathing as any parent would do. When I get in her room I see that she is sleeping peacefully and I relax. She looks so peaceful when she is sleeping. I just love her!

* My In-Laws cam for a visit and it was actually pleasant. 

* Tonight is supposed to be Date Night, but both the Mister and I have projects due in our classes. So, date nigh has been moved to sometime next week.

* I have paper due in a few days and I just cannot seem to motivate myself to work on it. 

 Have a great evening Lovelies!!! See ya tomorrow!!


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