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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolustions for 2012

I usually don't pick my resolutions, much less stick them. So, I thought that this year I would write them down and maybe them I can actually accomplish each and every one. So, here it goes:

My New Year's Resolutions for 2012:

Resolution #1: To be a better wife to my wonderful husband. I will appreciate him more, and will let him know that he means the world to me. He makes it possible for me to be a SAHM to my beautiful baby girl.

Resolution #2: To be better with money and to start couponing. It's time to start looking at websites and blogs for this one.

Resolution #3: To lose weight. This is always on my list and I hope to stick to it this time. My goals is to lose at least 45 pounds. And, I plan to start the Special K Challenge on January 4th.

Resolution #4: To stop sweating the small stuff and to think in terms of the big picture. I tend to worry about running errands and never worry about the big stuff, like a water filter system to the house, etc.

Resolution #5:  To blog more often. My goal is to blog at least once a day and to make it interesting as well.

Resolution #6: To finally finish my Master's degree in Psychology. I'm in the process of transferring universities so let's hope this works out.

Well, there are my New Year's resolutions. Hopefully I will stick to them this time!! Happy New Year everyone!!!


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