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Monday, April 23, 2012

2 years 1 Month (25 months): A letter

My sweet Little Nugget (aka Angelina),

How are you two years old?!? Where did the time go? One minute you were the teeny tiny little person who was dependent on me for everything, and now you are an independent little girl who loves to laugh, run, and jump on everything!


You still wear size 24 months/2T clothes. We are still working on buying you more summer clothes since it has been warmer. You had your two year well check appointment a few weeks ago and you weigh 27 pounds and you are 35 inches tall.
Your wear a size 7 shoe. You love your Stride Rite shoes.

You have light brown almost blonde hair that curls in the back and on the sides (I'm afraid you are going to have my hair, sorry baby girl!). You are eyes are a beautiful blue ( a perfect mixture of Momma's blue eyes and daddy's blue eyes).

You have all of your teeth!!!! No more teething for us!!!! You have been to the dentist twice already (no cavities!!)  Your cleaning went great!!!


Your bedtime is between 8:00pm-9:00pm. You pretty much sleep through the night and occasionally you wake up and want Momma to sleep with you. You take one a nap a day which is usually 2-3 hours long. You love to sleep baby girl, just like your daddy!


You love fruits and veggies! Your favorite fruits are strawberries, cuties (mandarin oranges), bananas, grapes, and apples. Your favorite veggies are green beans, carrots, and broccoli. You love potaotes and pasta, meatballs, and spaghetti. You still will only eat chicken occasionally, but you love any kind of cheese and you also love eggs. You will eat cereal as well, you love corn chex and cheerios. You love milk and water. We don't give you any juice.

As for sweets and junk foods, you rarely eat these type of foods.


You love love love your tricycle!! You play independently very well. You love all of your stuffed animals and all of your other toys. You especially love anything with sesame street and Thomas the train. You also love your books and also you love being read to. You have recently begun to "read" to Momma and  daddy!!

We love you to the moon and back a million times over sweet baby girl!

Love you forever,

Momma and daddy

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