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Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday Letters

Hi Lovelies!!

It's been such a busy week. I can't believe that I haven't blogged since Sunday!! What's up with that? I have been behind in my class this term and I have been trying to play catchup for the last week. I should be caught up by this Sunday.

Anyway, it's time for Friday Letters. So, here we go:

Dear Angelina:

Hi Lovelies!!

I'm so sorry that you burned your hand. It was my fault and I shouldn't have put the cookie sheet on the counter where you could reach it. 

Dear Blog: 

I'm sorry I have neglected you this week. I promise not to neglete you like that again.

Dear Kitchen:

You are my favorite room in the house. I promise to clean you tomorrow.

Dear Weather:

You have been really nice lately, but please no storms tomorrow. Please be nice tomorrow.

Dear Tori Spelling:

Please leave that a**hole of a husband. You don't deserve to be treated that way, you deserve much better.

Dear Husband:

I love you and I'm sorry that I caused an argument. Please forgive me.

Have a nice evening!!


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