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Friday, November 8, 2013

A Time to Give Thanks and High 5 for Friday

Happy Friday Friends! 

It's Friday!! YAAAY!!!! It's the start to the weekend, and it's going to be a great one. This weekend we will be have a date night at home renting a movie and just enjoying some couple time. And this Sunday is Husby's birthday and I'm making him a wonderful and awesome birthday dinner: Shredded beefy sandwiched, cheesy hashbrown casserole, and veggies. And for his birthday cake I am making him a Caramel Swirl Cheesecake. It's going to be a great day! 

So first up is A Time to Give Thanks. Next up is High 5 for Friday

Day #8- A Time to Give Thanks:

Today I am thankful for "me time". Now, I don't get this every day or even every week. But when I do, I cherish the time that I have to myself. It may a grocery store run or it just may be walking around town, but when I get that time to myself, I cherish and enjoy it. While I am gone I miss my Little and my Husby, but sometimes I just need this time to recharge my battery and I am a better mom and wife when I take this time to myself. 

What are your thankful for?

High 5 for Friday:

1. The Little: She is an awesome little girl. She is the light of my life and I love her with all of my heart. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is such a funny little girl who has been singing Jingle Bells since before Halloween. She wakes up every morning asking: "Is it Christmas yet?" and I tell her "No, we still have Thanksgiving" and then she says: "But I just want it to be Christmas?!" All I can do is shake my head and laugh. She is such a funny little girl and just love her to pieces. 

2. Husby's Birthday Weekend: The Little and I are planning some fun things to do with Husby and we are making him a Caramel Swirl Cheesecake. We are going to have some fun!!!

3. This Fabulous Fall Weather: It has been so beautiful this past week. We have been staying out as much as possible and just having fun playing outside. We have been playing football, basketball, and soccer. 

4. Making a "B" in my last class: This last class was a difficult one for me. Especially the professor, it seems that every time I turned in a paper she would practically accuse me of plagiarizing.  But, I talked to her and straightened every thing out and I actually made a "B" in the class.

5. Losing 2.2lbs: I joined Weight Watchers two weeks ago, I have already lost 2.2lbs. Even though it's not much it is progress I will take it.


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