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Thursday, February 6, 2014

You Know You're a Mom When......

There are certain things that only a mom can understand. From the feeling of the holding your child for the first time to screaming with joy when your toddler pee pees in the potty for the first time. 

These moments are only experienced through motherhood. So, here is a list of "You know you're a mom when":

You know you're a mom when......

1) you realize you're swaying without holding a baby

2) you've sacrificed your phone or keys to baby drool to make it through the store

3) the food on the floor of your car can feed an army

4) your clothing budget is used up on someone else

5) you hide in the bathroom to make a call (this has happened more than once, and oh the fits that are thrown)

6) you walked around the whole day with a sticker stuck your behind (yes this has happened more than once)

7) your kid/kids had an organic breakfast and your were fueled by coffee and cookies

8) your first instinct is to catch puke

9) your find yourself singing songs in public

10) dishes and laundry are never done, they are just in progress

11) you've cleaned the house with baby wipes

12) you've used the bathroom while holding your baby (I still do this when she insists on going into the bathroom with me).

13) your kid/kids is/are dressed beautifully, while you are still in your pajamas

14) burp clothes are a wardrobe staple

15) you use the words like potty, heiny, and tushy

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