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Friday, September 20, 2013

10 Things that Women should not apologize for while in labor

Hi Lovelies!

Today, I'm going to talk about labor and the things that women should not apologize for. As soon as I pee'd on the stick and it came back positive, I realized that I would have to surrender some of my dignity when it came to pregnancy and to the birthing process. I remember during the first few months of being pregnant I would refer to good ol' Dr. Google for all pregnancy related questions and that included questions about labor. I was one of those women who worried about pooping while pushing, and I was one who actually apologized for throwing up in the delivery room. LOL!

Anyway, I was browsing the internet and found this article about 10 things women should not apologize for during labor and I thought I would share it with you:

10) crushing the bones in your husband's hand during contractions. Considering what you're about to endure, serving as your human squeeze ball is the least he can do for you.

9) having your water break on the bed, floor, nurse or birth plan folder. My water actually broke in our bed (at 35w6d).

8) Falling asleep after you get the epidural. This did not happen with me! My OB missed the window for the epidural and I had the spinal block! Not Fun! 

7) Begging for the epidural. I begged for it, but we missed the window because my OB didn't think I would dilate so quickly.

6) Not dialating or being "ripe enough".

5) Swearing like a sailor. I can say that I did not do this. I don't know why, I just didn't see the need for it.

4) Losing control of bodily functions. I was worried about this, but it did not happen to me. Although I did throw up when I has to sit up for the second spinal block (I had to have a c-section).

3) Not pushing hard enough.

2) Declining the invitation to touch your baby's head. I DID NOT want to do this at all. I had no desire to do this.

1) Needing help with breastfeeding, or anything baby related, for that matter. I wanted to breastfeed but I was not able to. Nurses tried to help me, but Angelina would not latch on, plus not matter how often I pumped, my milk never came in. So, she was formula fed and I'm proud of it.


1 comment:

  1. Haha! Enjoyed this post, haven't experienced labor yet but this was all good to know. :)
