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Monday, March 25, 2013

A Day in the Life.....

Even though I am a stay at home mom I find that I have to follow a schedule in order to keep my sanity and to keep the chaos at bay. Recently, I came up with the perfect schedule that helps me juggle all of my responsibilities (believe me, there are many). 

So, I thought I would post a sample of my daily schedule here. Please keep in mind that this is a sample and it was designed around my responsibilities. 

Here is a sample of my weekly schedule (M-F) for a SAHM:

7am-8am: Wake up, work out, get both of us (me and Angelina) get ready for the day. This is when we have our bible reading (I work on my bible study while Angelina "reads" her bible).

8am-9am: Breakfast and then breakfast clean up.

9am-11am- Angelina has playtime or watches 1 hour of Disney channel while I do my quick morning routine (make beds, spot clean bathrooms, run vacuum through bedroom, sometimes she "helps" me)

11am -12pm: play time with Angelina (we color, say our letters, shapes, numbers) and then lunch prep

12pm-1pm: Lunch and then clean up 

1pm-2pm: quiet time for Angelina (we reads books or color, no more naps)

2pm-4pm: Angelina has playtime outside if it's not too hot or too cold. If she doesn't want to go outside I let her watch 1 hour of her favorite TV shows on Netflix and I declutter the living room and dining room. 

4pm-5pm: Prep supper

5pm-530pm: Supper

530pm-6pm: clean up kitchen

6pm-730pm: Angelina has playtime and then bath time during this time frame. 

730pm-8pm: Bedtime routine (read books)

8pm-830pm: Bedtime

830pm-12am: This is my time to study, watch a movie with Husband, work on class and class assignments, prep snacks for the week, etc.

So, there it is. The schedule that I follow. Now, it is flexible and there are days that I just don't get through the whole schedule. I'm still learning this whole scheduling things and it is a work in progress. 

What is your daily rountine? Is it anything like mine? I would love to see it!

Have a wonderful Monday!


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