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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

 A Story for The Little......

When I was 5 years old I played mommy. I had a doll that I named Misty. I dressed her in clothes that my mom made, gave her a pretend bottle and put in a little cradle for her naps.

When I was 20 I knew I wanted to become a mommy one day. I remember wanting at least two kids by the end of my thirties. At the age of 20 I met my soul mate, my partner in crime. my prince. I knew one day that we would make beautiful babies together. I always pictured my first born having big blue eyes and blondish/brown hair. My fate was sealed the first time I looked into Daddy's eyes. We would love each other forever and out of our love my lifelong dream of being a mommy was fulfilled.

When I was 37 years old I became a mommy and my life changed forever. However, I became a mommy even before my baby was born.  The moment I found out that I had a precious life growing inside of me priorities suddenly shifted. For the first time I was responsible for another. I fell in love with you, Baby Girl, the minute I saw that second line.

One month after my birthday and three months after Daddy and I were married, in March 2010 you were born. I remember listening to your first cries, and when I was finally able to see you, I just stared at you in utter amazement. Part me, part Daddy, yet all you. Baby girl you changed my life forever. Love took on an entirely new meaning and I vowed to love and nuture you to the best of my ability forever.

Today, I am 40 years old and you just turned 3. I can still picture in my mind how you looked and how you just fit into my arms. I remember when you first smiled at me and how you just knew that I was your mommy.

My whole life prepared my for this day, my greatest achievement. You are and always will be my first baby, no matter how many babies Daddy and I have, you will always that title and place in my heart.

My beautiful daughter, I celebrate you today. For all that you and for all that you will become, but most of all, I thank you for making me a mommy. Your mommy. Thank you for choosing me. I promise to always be there for you and love and cherish you with every ounce of my being. I love you and I am so proud of you Baby Girl!

Happy Birthday!
I love you!

Momma xoxo

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